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CenterColumn h1 {font-size:17px;padding-bottom:10px;} • .CenterColumn h2 {font-size:14px;color:#666;padding-bottom:10px;} • .CenterColumn h3 {padding-bottom:5px;} • .CenterColumn ul {padding-bottom:10px;} • Case Studies • KVM Solutions • LUMC (Le...
...Black Box bulk cable provides the backbone for your network. From Cat5e through to Cat7 cabling solutions, we test out our cable beyond the specification required, so we can guarantee to produce cable that features huge amounts of headroom....
...server via a Catx cable with the appropriate cross wired server access module on the end. Secure Terminal Servers provide challenge and authentication, and can be integrated into existing security infrastructure such as LDAP, RADIUS, and Activ...
...special low-capacitance cable. Both sync and async binary data transmission fall under RS-232. Although the original RS-232 connector is DB25, DB9 and RJ-45 connectors are now common. Also, industrial devices often use a terminal block instead of a ... moving into secure cables to prevent tripping and accidental disconnects. • Centralise control • When it comes to mission-critical equipment, there is no level of acceptable risk. Environmental monitoring sensors with instant alerts, network mu...’s expensive to run cable. Wireless solutions are well suited for use in military applications, farming, refineries, mining, construction, and field research. • Because sometimes you just can’t run wire, like in historic buildings or hazmat area...
...point-to-point extension, Multicast for video distribution and extension to up to 254 single screens and Videowall for HDMI distribution to video walls. Learn more about the use of existing network cables and get Ethernet Switch recommendations.
...some of the LanScopePro&#39;s capabilities and shows how easy and affordable it is to use it for cable testing, link detection, and more. With this one tool, you have one of the most complete suites of testing and analysis functions available.
...Box&#39;s Hardened Managed Ethernet Switches provide instantaneous failover when the primary link fails. You&#39;ll see how there is virtually no change in the on-screen movie due to dropped packets when the primary cable link is physically cut.
...Box's line of MTP fiber products. • The line includes cassettes, trunk and harness cables, fiber adapter panels, shelves, and enclosures all designed to work together for a complete data center solution. • This video requires Adobe Flash Player
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