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G.703 - the basis of all telecommunications networks • G.703 - the basis of all telecommunications networks • G.703, an ITU-T standard that outlines how to interface digital high-speed circuits, has become the basis of all telecommunications n...
Resources Wireless Networking • WhitePaper • Wireless Standards, Technology & Installation (pdf) •   • Data Security in Hotspots (pdf 500 kb) • Video Wireless VPS III •   • Technology Products for Wireless Networking • Why Wireless Networking? •  ...
Cable-Based Distribution • Cable-Based A/V Distribution • In-line based • In-line extenders, installed at some point within a link, extend signals over their native cabling with no signal conversion occurring. These amplification or repeater t...
headingbar {background-color:#666; color:#fff; padding:5px; width:740px; min-height:25px; font-size:14px; font-weight:700;} • Some of our new products •
Layer 2, 3, and 4 switching • Layer 2, 3, and 4 switching • The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model provides a layered network design framework that establishes a standard so that devices from different vendors work together. • ...
Terminal Server • A terminal server (sometimes called a serial server or a console server or a device server) is a hardware device that enables you to connect serial devices across a network. • Terminal servers acquired their name because they...
NAC • Network Access Control (NAC) is a method of ensuring that only known devices are allowed to connect to your network and that they meet your network’s requirements before they are granted access. • This is NAC at its most basic level. How...
The difference between unmanaged, managed, and Web-smart switches • The difference between unmanaged, managed, and Web-smart switches. • With regard to management options, the three primary classes of switches are unmanaged, managed, and Web s... and what kind of networking equipment to use with your extenders. • Think of your network as a river of data with a steady current of data moving smoothly down the channel. All your network users are like tiny tributaries branching off this r...
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